Certified Chimney Sweep (CCS) Official CSIA Online Review 

Course objective: The online review is designed to prepare students for the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep exam. This is accomplished by required readings from the SCS Manual, the NFPA 211, & the 2006 IRC. Course Summary: In each of the 5 lessons, students are directed to read assigned chapters, read and move through the accompanying presentation, and take the related quiz at the end. There are also required short videos to watch during the lessons, and downloadable PDFs of supplemental information. If you have any technical questions regarding any of the content in this course please reach out to Russ Dimmitt at rdimmitt@csia.org . CSIA CEUs: Technical:2.50 Codes & Standards:2.50 Health & Safety:2.50 Communication & Liability:2.50 NFI CEUs: Technical: 6.0


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